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Timmy talking shit again

Just letting you know Timmy again has posted another video talking shit, think this is the 4th video in a row
05 Sep, 2023

Comments (6)

Definitely lost his mind.

His obsession with Kurt is unhealthy and disturbing. Quite frankly, the hoax fabrication is borderline psychotic behavior.
05 Sep, 2023
2 2
The one guy does talk some sense. If I came to your country there would be illegal and legal stuff going on. Give that man a cigar.

Dunno what the fuss is about. I went to Lebanon checked into hotel ask about changing money 10 mins later s guy knocks on my door with a briefcase full of cash black market rates

Dodgy deals happen in every country people need to open there eyes to it. Cuba is a beautiful country but like everyone it has it's problems. Maybe I've had 2 many beers but payed to talk about Caz 😂
08 Sep, 2023
He’s at it again, another video & more shit talk. It’s looks like he only went to Cuba to push an agenda.
12 Sep, 2023
2 1

Definitely lost his mind. His obsession with Kurt is unhealthy and disturbing. Quite frankly, the hoax fabrication is borderline psychotic behavior...
Thats not goo making things up will bite you at the end
26 Nov, 2023

Thats not goo making things up will bite you at the end...
I seen he had his computer, camera & bank cards stolen in Medellin, some might say that’s karma
27 Nov, 2023
1 1
Credit where credit is due he crossed the Darién Gap. Stupid thing to do and pretty reckless. But we all do stupid things

Hopefully he focuses on himself in 2024. Kurt keeps doing what he is doing and exploring more countries and this thread can get deleted.

On a side note sad he had to have surgery daft he didn't have insurance. Same thing happened to me broken knee cap fractured eye socket no insurance. Get insurance guys and give as much detail as possible
16 Dec, 2023

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