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Forum: Soldier's forum

Travel - Mexico

Hey everyone. I’m going to Mexico by myself for the first time, what’s the best way to find hotels and transportation in countries? I’ve been before but never traveled alone all around Mexico. Usually I stay with my family. Anyway hope all of yall are doing well. Appreciate you guys.
25 Mar, 2023
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Comments (8)

Also considering Mexico, want to for sure check out Oaxaca and Puerto Escondito
25 Mar, 2023
MULVEY works fine, so does Airbnb, but it can be slightly dodgier in some places. Transport is a bit trickier in certain parts. I flew between cities, but you can go on long bus journeys. You just head to the bus station and tell them which city on which date, and they'll sell you a ticket.

Try to learn as much Spanish as you can before you go!

Enjoy yourself mate.
25 Mar, 2023
kurtcaz for hotels and airbnb for apartments collectivos are cheap and transport from city to city is easy.
Internet is very slow in mexico so if you need to do work virtually prepare for that.
27 Mar, 2023
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Also considering Mexico, want to for sure check out Oaxaca and Puerto Escondito...
I'll be staying mostly around Guanajuato and Michoacán, but I think I'll look into going to Oaxaca and Puerto Escondito too. Appreciate it
27 Mar, 2023
Kurt do you ever take the buses from city terminals? I was thinking of moving around like that between states but not sure what other options there are.
27 Mar, 2023
@Unknown user

Go to Morelia - it's stunning there. And if you have time to get down to the Pacific - go to Maruata...
Yeah for sure I will. I already speak fluent Spanish so I think I'll be OK with communication. I'll check out the recommendations when planning my trip. As for travel and accommodations, I appreciate your suggestions. I might live it day by day or try booking stuff before I get there. I'll be in Mexico for a while so there is plenty of time to travel around.
31 Mar, 2023
Another vote for
Don't be scared to try the pod hotels I used 1 in Mexico City January it works out well when u land 1 day and the next u have a flight

Enjoy Mexico
01 Apr, 2023
I've been in Mexico a lot especially this year, just head to, check it out. In Mexico you'll find great places for a great price, so enjoy. I recommend Mexico City, Cancun, Monterrey, Merida and Juarez if you like it a bet extreme... Hopefully you have a great trip.
10 Apr, 2023
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