Soldier's forum

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Forum: Soldier's forum

Working Out while travelling alot

What do you do to stay fit and in shape whilst traveling?
27 Mar, 2023

Comments (3)

Thats what i wanted to ask you Kurt you keep in shape while traveling so much what does your workout routine look like?
28 Mar, 2023
When there is no gym, basic calisthenics (push-ups etc.) and running. You can incorporate stair climbing into your run.
29 Mar, 2023
I try to find a heavy rock and do bicep curls, overhead tricep extensions, squats, lunges, shrugs, front raise and military press. If you can't find a rock, try a chair or night-side table lol. For bi's I try to hold the rock from underneath and use my other hand to help balance. I like to keep track using free app "fitlist". Mix in a 10 min ab workout from youtube and you'll get your cardio in by running from all the columbian chica's... or by doing a collaborative exercise with them ;)
01 Apr, 2023

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